Monday, March 24, 2008

Update March 25

Our sweet Addi is still fighting...another week closer to holding her in our arms. Her heartbeat was still low this week around 120. We wish that it would pick up a little speed, but we are thrilled that it is still beating!
My blood pressure was really good today, and my blood work came back showing no signs of pre-eclampsia. This was very good news for both me and Addi! I am beginning to add a nap to my daily routine, and trying to take it easy.
A new prayer for Addi is for her to begin to turn her body into the correct positioning for birth. We are a few weeks away from her due date, and she will need to begin turning soon. If she does not turn on her own, then the doctors will have to manually move her or I would have to have a c-section. We prefer for neither of these two things to please add this to your prayer list!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

my friend liked your laminin video so much he stole it and put it on his page too!

that was a really cool video. it made me miss louie and 722.

love you!