Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It could always be worse...

Can this week please leave us alone! The past 2 days have been crazy crazy crazy! First, our adorable, cute, wouldn't hurt a fly little puppies got put in the slammer yesterday. I got home from work to find that they were no where to be found. They had dug out from under the fence and went on a joy tour of the park and neighborhood. I looked all over the neighborhood for like an hour. Even our neighbor drove around to help me. Around 4:45 I decided that I better call animal control to make sure that they were not picked up. Well...after 10 minutes of being connected and passed off to the next person, I finally was able to ask about our babies. The woman was not very nice and told me that the dogs were filthy and that they appeared to have been dumped. She also told me that they were found in a location that I have no idea where it is and when I map quested it, it was all the way across town! She told me that one of the puppies was very aggressive and was growling at everyone. This is soooo not their personality! after freaking out, she continued to tell me that I needed to calm down because they were safe and no one was being mean to them. YEAH RIGHT! What planet does she live on? I wasn't even sure that these were our puppies that they had. Well, we were also informed that we could not come pick them up until the next morning. So that made me even more upset.
This morning I got up to find it rather nasty outside. I got in the shower and mid way through, the power goes out. My shower time is approxiamately 5:45-6:00ish. It is dark outside at that when the power goes is very very dark inside. I could not see my fingers in front of me. Thank goodness I use Johnson's Baby Shampoo, because it was all up in my eyes! I had to yell for Kenny to come and find a flashlight so that I could finish my shower. Then, continue to get ready for work by flashlight. Kenny had to pull our garage up by hand...thank the Lord for husbands! I headed off to work expecting the day to improve.
Well...I tried to call Kenny, but Verizon had messed up our bill and suspended my calls. So Kenny had to fax his payment stub to show where we had already paid our bill, and actually have credit with them! He got that taken care of and then went to bail our delinquent puppies out of puppy jail. They were super excited to see him! He put them in the truck and Ellie decided that she needed to use the she did! So, Kenny had to clean that up before he could head to work where there was a monthly meeting he was late for. The day settled down for a couple hours until Kenny fell on slippery metal stairs. This placed him at quick care for most of the afternoon and now he is on crutches with a possible torn muniscus (sp?).
I arrive home to find our puppies in the garage since it is raining and they have a tendency to escape the confines of our fence. Over the course of a few hours, Ellie and Aubrey managed to chew a foam matress pad into thousands of pieces...all over the garage. Thank goodness it was going to the dump anyhow. Now it will just go to the dump in a thousand pieces...after we clean it up of course!
Soooo...this is the past few days for the Chastain household. I think we better lay low for a couple days. Isn't the saying, "When it rains, it pours."? Well, we have plenty of sunshine in our lives so we can't hardly complain...but seriously...rain rain go away!