Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Update February 12

All seems to be well on this Valentine week. Addi's heart beat was strong once again. It has been a little weak the past few times, but Tuesday it was 159. I still do not feel her movements much, but she must be up to something in there, because she is wearing me out! My bedtime is now approximately 8:30...those who know me will get a laugh out of that. I use to be a night owl, but those days are gone.
She is still extremely low in my tummy, and it has begun to be uncomfortable at times. The little Kindergarten chairs in my classroom just don't cut it anymore. I have graduated to the adult chairs for the time being. Lacing shoes and helping to button my student's pants, has become an olympic event for me. Because of her low position, the bending and squating are a situation I have a hard time getting myself out of. I am so thankful for my little ones at school...they help to keep a smile on my face. They love on Addi and me daily. Kenny and I are so blessed to have such wonderful friends...both big and small!
The doctors are unsure as to when Addi will make her big debut. My due date was originally April 15th, then after the first ultra sound it was moved to April 28th. They are thinking that she was just small during that ultrasound because of the triploidy and that she might actually be due sometime closer to April 15th. She is just full of suprises. As the time approaches, we are trying to prepare ourselves for what might happen. We do continue to pray for a miracle and hope that God saves our little girl, but we do have to understand that he may have other plans for her.
We cannot thank each of you enough for praying, caring, and loving us. We will never be able to tell everyone thank you enough. Please know that we feel all the love and support and greatly appreciate it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your blog. Your love and faith in God and in your sweet Addison is so apparent.
Praying for God's strength, comfort and miracles for you!
The Ward family
Heather, Brian, Audrey and our angel Addison McKinley