Sunday, July 27, 2008

Does your man have a crush?

Some of you may not be familiar with the term "man crush", and some of you might actually have a man crush or your boyfriend or husband has one. It is an interesting new term that has actually been around for a while...we just didn't know what to call it.

Matt Damon & Ben Affleck.....perfect example!

Personally I think of it as two men who have a ridiculous amount in common and could seriously be brothers! They think alike, act alike, have the same nastasciousness level!

The Urban Dictionary defines it like this:
Man Crush
When a straight man has a "crush" on another man, not sexual but kind of idolizing him.

Some of you might be thinking this is not a good thing...but actually it is...well, it can be. My husband and his man crush are hilarious...making fun of them is the hilarious part. Jennifer and I enjoy harassing them about crushing on one another. If their picture was next to the definition, I think it would be this one!
Kenny and Scott enjoying some chocolate fondue at the Melting Pot! They both had the clever idea to put it all over their teeth...just one example of how much they are alike! Don't worry...Jennifer and I were there too! We just changed seats around to take pictures.


Dana said...

I can't believe you referenced the Urban Dictionary!! Hehehe! That thing is my BEST FRIEND at school!

I think some of Jerm's friends have man crushes on him ...but I'm not sure if these feelings are returned. Hmmm...

Jeff, Lauren, Graham & Miles said...

ok - so glad thtat you clarified that there was chocolate on teeth...They were looking a little sketchy there!
I love urban dictionary!
Hope the pups are enjoying the pool!