Sunday, June 15, 2008

Picking up the pieces...

Addi would be 2 months young now, and our life is unusually falling back into place. It is crazy and awkward how everyday life continues amongst your overwhelming pain and determination to avoid your "everyday life". It feels wrong and unmotherly to continue with our lives and mostly, to get back to enjoying our lives. Along with those feelings, we also feel that Addi was an enormous blessing and we should continue to celebrate her life and remember the joy that she gave us for 38 weeks. We know that God must have something special in store for us, but waiting is difficult. We trust in his word that he will give us our hearts desires and he has blessed us so greatly with one another, wonderful family, fabulous friends, an adorable place to live, wonderful jobs, and the love of Jesus Christ. So if waiting is what is in His plan for us, then waiting we will do.
There are several things stiring in the Chastain world here lately. Between moving, starting a new business, and all the other things we juggle....we have a lot on our plate. Thank goodness it is summer time! With it being summer time, I figured it was a good time to begin blogging again.